Nothing to hide, much to do, all to be won!


I am of Romanian origin and was born on 18 November 1973 in Timișoara, where I spent my childhood. In 1988, I emigrated to Germany with my family. Since 2003, I have lived in Switzerland. Here are some more key details about me:

  • Degree from Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany, Faculty of Philosophy, subject: Political Science and Law, year of graduation: 2000.
  • Completed the Masters Programme in Advanced European Studies of the European Institute at the University of Basel, Switzerland, year of graduation: 2002.
  • PhD from the West University of Timișoara, Romania, title of doctoral thesis: “The Economic and Monetary Union and Romania”, supervisor: Prof Dr Grigore Silași, year of graduation: 2008
  • Have completed several specialist courses on European integration.
  • My research activity and teaching at the West University of Timișoara from 2002 (Higher School of  Comparative European Studies of Timișoara, Romania to 2012 resulted in three books of which I was the primary author, and over 20 academic works published in recognised magazines.
  • Completed a postgraduate course at the National Intelligence College at the Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy (ANIMV) in 2016 in Bucharest, Romania.
  • Since 2013 Lecturer in economic diplomacy at the National College of Trade and Diplomacy of Economic Relations. The college was founded together with the Transylvania University Brasov, Romania.
  • Since 2019 Lecturer in economics at the Titu Maiorescu University Bucharest, Romania.
  • Host of the radio talk show „Worlds in Collision” on Radio Gold FM (Bucharest / Romania). A radio program about economics and debates. 2021-2022
  • Host of the talk show „Outlook” at DC News (Bucharest / Romania). Broadcast interviews with scientists.2022
  • Host talk show „Compass” at Cotidianul TV (Bucharest / Romania). Broadcast interviews with scientists.Starting with 2023

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